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Introduction Root-end preparation and restoration with an endodontic material are required when nonsurgical endodontic retreatment has failed or is impossible. The present clinical study reports the treatment outcomes of periradicular surgery using calcium-enriched mixture (CEM) cement. Materials and Methods A prospective outcome study of periradicular surgery using CEM was conducted on 14 DOI: 10.20517/2573-0002.2016.08 Corpus ID: 52026720. A case of periradicular surgery: apicoectomy and obturation of the apex, a bold act @inproceedings{Locurcio2017ACO, title={A case of periradicular surgery: apicoectomy and obturation of the apex, a bold act}, author={L. Locurcio and R. Leeson}, year={2017} } CDT D3428 Get information about CDT D3428 dental procedure code with description : D3428 Procedure Code Description. Bone graft in conjunction with periradicular surgery - per tooth, single site Periradicular Surgery of Human Permanent Teeth with Calcium-Enriched Mixture Cement Saeed Asgary a, Sara Ehsani b* a Iranian Center for Endodontic Research, Research Institute of Dental Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran; b Dental Research Center, Research Institute of Dental Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Evin, Tehran, Iran Periradicular Surgery Prior to the introduction of microsurgical tech-niques, inconsistent success rates were reported for periradicular surgery varying between 44% and 90%.2 Based on a weighted average calculation of reviewed studies, a success rate of 81% was found for perira-dicular surgery with simultaneous orthograde treat- Bone graft in conjunction with periradicular surgery - each additional contiguous tooth in the same surgical site .

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Periradicular surgery is not possible or involves a high degree of risk to adjacent anatomical structures The tooth presents a reasonable opportunity for removal without fracture The tooth has an acceptable periodontal status prior to the replantation procedure Introduction  Over the past decade, periradicular surgery has continued to evolve into a precise, biologically based adjunct to nonsurgical root canal therapy.  Although nonsurgical endodontic treatment gives good results in most cases, surgery may be indicated for teeth with persistent periradicular pathoses that have not responded to nonsurgical approaches. Anterior maxilla & mandible: access to the root apex in some patients may be unexpectedly difficult because of long roots, a shallow vestibule, or lingual inclination of the roots Surgery of upper centrals: presence of incisive canal & its contents. Periradicular surgery on mandibular incisors often is more challenging than expected. The combination of lingual root inclination, a shallow vestibule, and a prominent mental protuberance all can increase the degree of difficulty, as can This is a video of a Periapical Surgery (Apicoectomy) on tooth #9. The tooth had a long standing lesion which was non responsive to conventional RCT. Biops Bone Graft for Endo/Periradicular Defects.

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Anterior maxilla & mandible: access to the root apex in some patients may be unexpectedly difficult because of long roots, a shallow vestibule, or lingual inclination of the roots Surgery of upper centrals: presence of incisive canal & its contents. Periradicular surgery on mandibular incisors often is more challenging than expected. The combination of lingual root inclination, a shallow vestibule, and a prominent mental protuberance all can increase the degree of difficulty, as can tic surgery had not been demonstrated until recently when Setzer et al reported a positive effect of magni-fication and a microsurgical technique on outcome.34 Soft tissue management Surgical flap design is variable and depends on a number of factors, including: • access to and size of the periradicular lesion This is a video of a Periapical Surgery (Apicoectomy) on tooth #9. The tooth had a long standing lesion which was non responsive to conventional RCT. Biops 2011-01-01 · The main goal of apical surgery is to prevent bacterial leakage from the root-canal system into the periradicular tissues by placing a tight root-end filling following root-end resection.

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An apicoectomy is an endodontic surgery.

Int Endod J. 2001 Oct;34(7):520-5.
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Periradicular surgery

Periradicular surgery on mandibular incisors often is more challenging than expected. AIM: To evaluate the haemostatic efficacy and the histologic tissue responses after the application of different haemostatic agents used in periradicular surgery. Anterior maxilla & mandible: access to the root apex in some patients may be unexpectedly difficult because of long roots, a shallow vestibule, or lingual inclination of the roots Surgery of upper centrals: presence of incisive canal & its contents.
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and the need for surgical treatment in intraocular pressure (IOP) control. results particularly in non-vital immature teeth associated with periradicular lesions. and the need for surgical treatment in intraocular pressure (IOP) control.

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results particularly in non-vital immature teeth associated with periradicular lesions. and the need for surgical treatment in intraocular pressure (IOP) control. results particularly in non-vital immature teeth associated with periradicular lesions. Impact of diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and coronary artery disease on tooth extraction after non-surgical endodontic treatment. Periradicular radiographic  Central sensitization phenomena after third molar surgery: a in the dental pulp or in the periradicular tissues surrounding a tooth but it is not  Lind PO, Olsen I. As-sessment of periradicular microbiota by DNA-DNA hybridization. Pathology diagnosis treatment facial nerve surgery.

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The introduction of surgical  Cardiovascular Effects and Efficacy of a Hemostatic Agent in Periradicular Surgery. Christina Hong Bone wax as an effective hemostat in periapical surgery. Introduction: Periapical surgery is an approach to treat non-healing periapical lesions and it should be viewed as an extension of endodontic treatment and not as  periradicular surgery in teeth that had previ- ously undergone surgical treatment versus teeth that were undergoing a surgical procedure for the first time. Periradicular surgery is often used as a last resort to save an endodontically treated tooth with a persistent periapical lesion.